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Most of our buildings (clinics, long term care homes and hospitals) use a significant amount of energy, releasing GHGs which contribute to climate change. Knowing how energy is used in our buildings can help identify opportunities for energy conservation and efficiency.


Energy used to support building operations, such as heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC), is a significant source of GHGs and can be optimized through technology changes and practices. Individual behaviour can also affect the amount of energy used through use of energy consuming equipment such as lights, thermostats and diagnostic imaging technology. Optimizing both efficiency and conservation can reduce GHGs, but can also contribute to site climate-related resilience.


When power is lost, buildings using less energy will operate longer on their standby power systems. Water conservation and efficiency will also contribute to lower energy use and site resilience. Clean energy sources (i.e. renewable energy such as solar, geothermal, wind) reduce GHG emissions and can also contribute to climate-related resilience. Building designs that use clean energy sources, and optimize energy and water use will be more climate resilient.


Building design


If done correctly, building design can lead to more climate resilient infrastructure.




Canada Green Building Council website - health and wellbeing


LEEDv4 - The Future of Green Buildings


Clean Energy Sources


Using clean energy sources, such as wind and solar, can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.


We spoke to the director of facilities and projects at Haliburton Highland Health services about their clean energy projects - read the Peach byte.




Renewable Energy factsheet


Energy efficiency 


Implementing energy efficiency can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to climate change resilience.




Benefits of having an Energy Manager


Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society website - CHES


Water Use


Water is an important resource – are we using it in a sustainable manner?




Credit Valley Hospital water efficiency project


Greening Health Care - Energy Winners


We interviewed Greening Health Care about their program - see the video.




Greening Health Care program description


Health Care Energy Leaders of Canada - HELC program description


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